Monday, June 28, 2010

Brazil 6/26

I’ve been here for about a day and a half. It’s been pretty interesting coming here and not actually knowing anyone but I’ve already made several friends and we’re having fun! Diego and Mr. Denham Sr. picked me up from the airport and we had an interesting time on the way home getting a little lost. But we eventually got to Diego’s family’s house. He has two younger brothers and a younger sister and parents that basically speak no English so that has been pretty fun awkwardly walking by them and just knowing how to say hello. Language, has been very fun. I’ve heard people say that Portuguese is a lot like Spanish and even with a couple years of taking Spanish classes, I still have no idea what they’re saying! It has helped a little though. I have a decent understanding at how verb conjugations work and general sentence structure. I just can’t understand the words that they’re saying.. After trying to sleep off some jet lag, we went to a small bible study that Diego and his friends have. They were all so friendly and eager to talk to me and I made some good friends. Some of them spoke very good English! It was so cool listening to an entire Bible study in portuguese. After awhile I just took an English Bible and a Portuguese version and compared it to try and pick up some more language and it actually helped quite a bit! After that I came home and listened to some Relevant podcast, it was good to hear words I could understand for a bit!

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