Tuesday, August 19, 2008

See ya later, Alli-gator (yeah, cheesy)

Tonight I said goodbye to my good friend Allison Joy (I don't remember her middle name but it should be Joy) Steddom. From being the first thing I hear when entering a mile radius of her, to turning around at Dunns and randomly seeing her standing behind me, she has always been a dear friend and close to me. Alli is probably one of the best advice givers I know. She always had a question to throw out and I would realize that I hadn't even asked myself that. I'm definitely going to miss her sense of humor. I'm excited to hear how Indiana treats her and hope she continues to share her endeering laugh and contagious heart for Jesus with everyone she meets.

(I just had to throw this one in)

Very Random Thought

If you could
control the
to be

Monday, August 18, 2008

Passions at War

I love my guitar. It's sort of pathetic but when I go a day without playing it I feel like I'm missing something. For me, the guitar is like an emotion sponge that absorbs all of my highs and lows. When my fingers touch those strings I suddenly start to feel everything around me fade away. I'm not very good compared to a lot of people but it doesn't matter. I often find myself in my room blaring my acoustic through an amp and singing unwritten songs at the top of my lungs. Who knows if it sounds good... Actually we have thin walls so my family can usually hear it.. Anyways, there are so many times throughout the day, no matter where I am, that I think of song ideas or a melody or lyrics. People who know me can testify to my obnoxious singing and random interjections that are beside the point. I sing, play, write, and listen to music a lot.

But wouldn't it be so great if this post was about my Bible?

I love my Bible. I don't read it as often as I would like or even as often as I should. I sometimes go to it when I am stressed out or upset. I should yearn for this book. I should turn every page with awe at the wonders that are beheld. God's word should always be on my heart and my lips just as music sometimes tends to be. When I look up at the first paragraph I imagine what it would be like to truly be fervent and boiling for Christ. That the walls of this world could not hold the resonating sound of my love for Christ. But so many things like fear and distractions get in the way. We all have passions that are at war within us. We need to continually feed the fire that burns for Jesus. I need to continually feed the fire that burns for Jesus. Because what he did deserves our gratitude and what he does deserves our attention.

Monday, August 11, 2008

This is home (I guess)

I've been away for a month now but I am finally back. It's a different feel somehow. America seems different. My accent seems lame. No more waking up to the marvels of being sandwiched by amazing sights. I feel like I was spoiled being surrounded by mountains, the sea, spectacular cloud displays, and farms. I know this country has its own appeals but I miss those of Northern Ireland. It's also different because during the trip everyone was constantly moving and now I'm home with no schedule. A restlessness inside of me wants to open the door and step out onto the streets of Kilkeel and go on a dander along the fields. Yeah, I'm being dramatic. But now that I'm home, I have to get used to it. Almost more so than when we started the trip. With what we were doing in Northern Ireland, God's work and presence were pretty much right in front of my eyes the entire time. Now that I'm home and getting back into the routine, I have to do a little searching.