Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Random Sentences

So it has definitely been awhile. I haven't really had anything I felt like writing so I'm just gonna say whatever. Right now I'm sitting in my room. The weather right now feels like a battle between fall and winter. Autumn fights to stay alive but it is gradually succumbing to the cold. The leaves have have pretty much all fallen. Hmmm... I've been playing a good amount of guitar lately trying to write songs. Every time I sit down planning on writing a song I get in the right zone but quickly lose all creative movement. I'm not sure why that is... I've been doing a lot of design stuff though. Here is one of them I've been working on lately:


Gabby Huerta said...

i like it a lot. I'm glad you finally posted. :-) Anyway, i need to sleep.

I miss you a lot.

m.j.nels said...

i really like that design beau! threadless T?

Christi Joy said...

glad u posted again! i kinda feel the same way..it's as if the school year takes away all creativity....at least as far as writing goes..