Thursday, June 19, 2008

In The Passenger Seat at Sunset

My mind has been strange lately. A constant playlist of questions, emotions, and thoughts. Sometimes it gets so loud in there that I can't turn it down. Always racing, searching the depths of my memories and knowledge. But then I catch a glimpse of the sky. The clouds, the sun, the reflective light, the transparencies, the blue, the golden, the white. All the factors combine to collectively make a mind-melter that blows away the problems and distractions and I realize that I am staring at the raw and beautiful glory of God.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

We're either riders or fools behind the reigns..

Ok well I'm finally getting a separate blog upon Gabbymac's persistent requests. The name of the blog might seem kinda strange but it is one of the beloved lines in the song The Cure for the Pain by Jon Foreman. "Blood is fire pulsing through our veins, we're either riders or fools behind the reigns". The first time I heard that it sparked new thoughts. Which one am I? There are obviously different weights to both sides in various aspects of my life. I often see moments in my life where I fall short and don't make it. A fool behind the reigns doesn't take charge of the situations they have fallen into. They glide along ignorantly laughing and enjoying the ride wherever it may be heading. Maturity means taking those events and leading them where you want them to go. That is something that I have been searching for lately. Not just a new, older, and smarter take on humor, relationships, friends, and money but a new outlook on how to deal with situations. I still see traces of that youthful, somebody-get-me-out-of-this-mess, attitude in me. I just need to let go of those things and take the reigns and steer. Which brings to mind another song: Steer by Missy Higgins. Oh boy, it's only the first blog post and I've already quoted two of my favorite musicians.. Anyways, part of the chorus goes "And now you finally know that you control where you go, you can steer."

With all that said, I can't "steer" by myself. As Michael would say, I'm directionally challenged. And I fall down a lot. I don't really want to end this with the cliche phrase of how I continue to fall down and he picks me up... But it's true. I even overlook that fact too often. Grasping the truth that God is in control is huge in gaining a better understanding in maturity.
